Essential Information for People Hurt in Missouri Slip and Fall Accidents

Falls are the most common cause of all preventable non-fatal injuries and a leading cause of all preventable fatal injuries in the United States.
Some falls are just accidents, and no one is at fault. However, many falls can be prevented if property owners and managers use reasonable care to keep their properties safe. For example, a dangerous fall could occur if:
- Stairs are uneven or broken
- Handrails are broken
- Flooring is torn or uneven
- Sidewalks are broken
- Flooring is wet or slippery
- Lighting is insufficient
- Elevators or escalators are broken
- Floors are cluttered with debris
- A property doesn’t meet building safety codes
Injuries and death may occur anytime a property owner or manager fails to maintain the property safely, or a property is poorly designed.
Where Slip and Fall Accidents Happen in Missouri
A slip and fall or trip and fall accident can happen on any Missouri property. Visitors, guests, and customers could get hurt if they fall at any type of business or any kind of property, including but not limited to:
- Retail stores
- Grocery stores
- Restaurants
- Hotels
- Gyms
- Hospitals
- Amusement parks
- Theaters
- Playgrounds
- Office buildings
- Private homes
While the location and circumstances of the fall may be different, many of the injuries suffered in slip and fall accidents are the same.
Fall Injuries
Some of the injuries that you could suffer if you slip or trip and fall include:
- Shoulder injuries
- Knee injuries
- Ankle injuries
- Broken bones
- Back injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Brain injuries
- Eye injuries
- Facial or dental injuries
In some cases, a person could die from a fall injury.
Protect Your Slip and Fall Injury Recovery
If you think that a Missouri property owner or manager may be responsible for your slip and fall accident injuries, then now is the time to take action. The Missouri statute of limitations gives you five years to file a lawsuit. However, if you wait that long, the necessary evidence might be gone and your recovery will be delayed.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact our experienced fall injury attorneys to find out:
- What to do after a slip and fall accident. The actions that you take may significantly impact your recovery. For example, you should take pictures of the area where you fell, report your injury to the property owner or manager, contact an attorney as soon as possible, and direct any insurance adjusters to your attorney.
- What to expect when you file a claim. Once you notify the property owner that you are pursuing an insurance claim or legal case, the insurance company is going to fight to minimize your recovery. Attorney Jim Deffet used to represent insurers, and he knows the tactics they use to protect their profits. He will use that knowledge to make sure that you are treated fairly so that you can get the recovery that you deserve.
- The value of your potential case. The damages that you may recover through a settlement or court case include, but may not be limited to, past and future medical costs, lost income, out-of-pocket expenses, physical pain, and emotional suffering.
A fall injury can be a significant burden. All of your work, family, social, and personal commitments remain the same as they did before you were hurt, but now you have the added pain, stress, and inconvenience of your injury.
Our Lawyers are Here to Take Away the Worry and Fight for Your Compensation
A fall injury case doesn’t have to take a lot of your time, and it doesn’t have to be stressful. Instead, you can hire an experienced Clay County fall injury lawyer to help you. We will work hard to get your life back to what it was before you fell.
Our law firm does not want you to worry about the cost of hiring a lawyer. We accept most slip or trip and fall cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you won’t owe us hourly fees. Instead, we will be paid a previously agreed-upon percentage of your legal recovery.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Don’t worry about whether your case is big enough to hire a lawyer or anything else. Instead, let us provide a free and comprehensive review of your potential case so that we can advise you about how to protect your financial recovery after a Smithville, Clay County, Platte County, Clinton County, or Jackson County, Missouri, fall.